They attest that SL's processes and practices comply with national and international legislation and standards, leading to an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable business. They also endorse the traceability of our production chain, the adoption of best practices for preventing and mitigating environmental and social impacts and the guarantee of human and labor rights. SL Control connects dozens of customers, hundreds of properties and thousands of consumers, where it values maximum safety and quality. External audits take place periodically, reinforcing the continuity of our responsible production and the company's commitment to sustainability.
Kosher Kashrut BDK Beit Din Kosher
Food Safety System Certified by DNV
U.S. FOOD & DRUG Administration
Food Safety Certification FSSC 22000

Certificação orgânica
Whole Grain Council Certification
Gluten Free Certification by Food Chain ID
FAMBRAS - Federação das Associações Muçulmanas do Brasil HALAL Certification
Non GMO Standard Certification by Food Chain ID
BRC-British Retail Consortium
SEDEX - Supplier Ethical Data Exchange SMeta Certification
Certification by AIB International Quality Assurance & Food Safety

Ecovadis Sustainability Rating
Programa Brasileiro GHG Protocol


Clima Paraná
Environmental Policy
Our Environmental Policy is to operate in the food sector with the commitment to promoting quality of life through healthy eating, ensuring the sustainable use of resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems. We comply with all environmental laws, encourage a regenerative chain and seek continuous improvement in our processes and relationships.